Qualifying Rounds
by Name | by Date

Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Herengracht 460
1071 CA Amsterdam
Nethlands - Please be present not more than 15 minutes before audition time.

Berlin (Germany)
Deutsche Oper Berlin
Bismarckstraße 35
Stage door: Richard-Wagner-Straße
10627 Berlin

Bern (Switzerland)
Bühnen Bern
Kornhausplatz 20
Stage door
3011 Bern - You need to bring your own pianist.

Bratislava (Slovakia)

Brussels (Belgium)
Théâtre de la Monnaie - Fiocco Orchestra Rehearsal Hall
23, Rue Léopold
B- 1000 Brussels

Budapest (Hungary)
Österreichisches Kulturforum - Osztrák kulturális fórum
Benczúr u. 16
Budapest, - You need to bring your own pianist.
- Please be present not more than 15 minutes before your audition time.

Cape Town (South Africa)
The Baxter Concert Hall
Baxter Theatre Centre
Main Rd, Rondebosch
Cape Town, 7700
South Africa

Cologne (Germany)
Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln
Dagobertstraße 38
50668 Köln

Copenhagen (Denmark)
Operaen - Copenhagen Opera House
Ekvipagemestervej 10,
1438 Kobenhavn
Rehearsal hall 2

Detmold (Germany)
Hochschule für Musik Detmold
Neustadt 22
32756 Detmold

Dresden (Germany)

Dublin (Ireland)
Royal Irish Academy of Music
36-38, Westland Row
Organ Room
Dublin 2

Düsseldorf (Germany)
Deutsche Oper am Rhein
Heinrich-Heine-Allee 24 - Stage door
40213 Düsseldorf

Erfurt (Germany)
Theater Erfurt
Placidus-Muth-Straße 1
Stage door
99084 Erfurt

Gdansk (Poland)
Akademia Muzyczna im. Stanislawa Moniuszki
Ul. Łąkowa 1 -2
yellow building
S 2
Gdansk - You need to bring your own pianist.

Göteborg (Sweden)
Christina Nilssons gata
411 04 Göteborg

Graz (Austria)
Oper Graz
Kaiser-Josef-Platz 10
Stage door, Portier
8010 Graz

Hamburg (Germany)
Staatsoper Hamburg
Große Probebüne 1
Kleine Theaterstraße 1 (Ecke Kalkhof)
Stage door
20354 HH

Helsinki (Finland)
Metropolia, Soiva-kampus
Muotoilijankatu IB, 00560 Helsinki

Istanbul (Turkey)
Istanbul State Opera Süreyya House Kadiköy
Osmanağa Mah., General Asım Gündüz Cd. No:29,
34714 Kadıköy-İstanbul

Jurmala (Latvia)
Concert Hall Dzintari
Turaidas iela 1
Chamber Hall

Kassel (Germany)
Staatstheater Kassel
Friedrichsplatz 15
Orchesterprobensaal - OPS
34117 Kassel - You need to bring your own pianist.

Kraków (Poland)
Akademia Muzyczna
Aula "Florianka"
8 Basztowa Street
31-134 Kraków - You need to bring your own pianist.

Linz (Austria)
Landestheater Linz - Musiktheater
Am Volksgarten 1
Kleiner Orchestersaal des Musiktheater Linz, 1.UG
Stage entrance in Blumauerstraße
4020 Linz

London (United Kingdom)
Royal Opera House Covent Garden
Floral Street, Stage Door
WC2E 9DD London

Madrid (Spain)
Teatro Real Madrid
Plaza Isabel II, s/n
Artists Entrance Calle Arrieta
28013 Madrid

Melbourne (Australia)
Studio 1
34 little Turner lane
Australia - You need to bring your own pianist.

Milan (Italy)
Österreichisches Kulturforum Mailand - Forum austriaco di Cultura Milano
Piazza Liberty, 8
20121 Milano

Montreal (Canada)
University of Montreal - Faculty of Music
200 Avenue Vincent-d’Indy, Montréal, QC, Room B-531 - You need to bring your own pianist.

New York (USA)
Metropolitan Opera House
Lincoln Center
List Hall
New York, NY 123

Novi Sad (Serbia)
Serbian National Theatre
Pozorisni trg 1,
21000 Novi Sad
Serbia - You need to bring your own pianist.

Oslo (Norway)
The Academy of the Arts in Oslo
Fossveien 24
Main Stage

Paris (France)

Poznan (Poland)
Akademia Muzyczna im. Ignacego J. Paderewskiego, Sala Kameralna
ul. Św. Marcin 87
61-808 Poznań

Prague (Czech Republic)
Narodni Divadlo/National Opera
Ostrovni 1
11230 Praha 1

Pretoria (South Africa)
Musaion - School of the Arts, University of Pretoria
Lynnwood Rd. (at Roper Str. junction)
0002 Hatfield - You need to bring your own pianist.

Rome (Italy)
Österreichisches Kulturforum - Foro Austriaco
Viale Bruno Buozzi, 113
00197 Roma

Salzburg (Austria)

Seattle (USA)
Opera Seattle
Seattle Opera Center
363 Mercer St., Seattle, WA 98109
Tagney Jones Hall - You need to bring your own pianist.
- PLEASE (1) arrive warmed-up, (2) enter through the single door off Mercer Street located at the center of the building, (3) have physical copies of your music prepared for the pianist in a binder with page turns prepared. Thank you!

Sofia (Bulgaria)
Austrian Embassy - Österreichische Botschaft
Bul. Tsar Osvoboditel 13
Sofia - You need to bring your own pianist.

Stockholm (Sweden)
Royal Swedish Opera
Jakobs Torg 4
Artists Entrance
Stockholm - You need to bring your own pianist.

Stuttgart (Germany)
JOiN - Junge Oper im Nord
Löwentorstraße 68/Löwentorbogen
70376 Stuttgart

Tokyo (Japan)
Studio B-Tech Japan
1 F Isomura Build. 1-1-3 Toranomon Minato - KU Tokyo - TO Japan - You need to bring your own pianist.

Toronto (Canada)
Canadian Opera Company Theatre
227 Front Street East
Ontario - You need to bring your own pianist.

Udine (Italy)
Teatro della Fondazione Luigi Bon
Via Patrioti 29, 33010 Tavagnacco
close to the "Stadio Friuli" - You need to bring your own pianist.
- From railway station Udine take bus nr 2 - ride takes 20 minutes appr. ingresso-entrance "Segreteria"

Vancouver (Canada)
University of British Columbia
Old Auditorium
6344 Memorial Rd.
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2 - You need to bring your own pianist.
- Auditorium is across the plaza from School of Music, which is at 6361 Memorial Rd.

Varazdin (Croatia)
Glazbena Skola u Varazdinu
Kapucinski trg 8
42000 Varazdin

Vienna (Austria)
Musik u. Kunst Privatuniversität d. Stadt Wien - MUK
Johannesgasse 4A
1010 Wien

Warsaw (Poland)
Österreichisches Kulturforum
ul. Prozna 8
Warszaw - You need to bring your own pianist.

Wroclaw (Poland)
Klub Muzyki i Literatury
Plac Tadeusza Kosciuszki 10 (Kosciuszko Square 10),
50 028 Wroclaw

Zagreb (Croatia)
Academy of Music - Musicka akademija Sveuciliste Stamcoc Hall
Trg marsala Tita 13
Zagreb - You need to bring your own pianist.

Zurich (Switzerland)
Zurich Opernhaus-Studiobühne
Stage door
Falkenstraße 1